Wednesday, May 5, 2010

                                                                 Mr. Linden's Library

He warned her about the book. Why hadn't she listened? Well, for whatever reason it was too late now. She had been sucked into the magical world of Vitania.

Vitania is unknown to all, except those who enter it. The only way to enter Vitania is through the book of Harna. The book of Harna is a sacred book. It was written many centuries ago, by the evil king Raul who was determined to destroy the world.

What you used to find in Vitania was purple pastures, filled with great ice barriers, and frozen lakes. It was a very tranquil place, that is until Pelincia took over. Pelincia is an evil queen who took revenge on the mystical land of Vitania. A long time ago when Vitania was a prosperous land, Pelincia was sent away to the faraway lands of Buzzind, because she destroyed the temple of Fro. Pelincia was very upset with the punishment and as soon as she returned from Buzzind she started planning her revenge.

One day when she had finalized her plans of destruction, she attacked the people of Vitania. Her army of vicious, orange mallows and blue nericuns. They wiped out the civilization in a matter of minutes. It left the whole world of Vitania dark and dreary. Fire spread through all the trees and plants. This was a very dark day for the wonder world.

When Pelincia began her reign, the fluffy purple pastures turned to waste lands. The Ice Lands turned to deep pits of lava and steam! Many have attempted to revive this wasteland of Vitania. All have failed, and became part of Pelincia's group of evil minions. All, except one, Mr. Linden.

Mr. Linden was an extraordinary man who was able to escape Vitania by jumping into a blue, and green portal. The portal is made of pumpkin dust. Its frame is consists of rusty silver and many bolts. The blue and green inside is a swirling vortex. When you jump through it you fly back to the real world.

Since then he has always kept the book locked away in a secret storage room in the back of his library. Mr. Linden kept the key on an old, gold chain hanging from his neck. One day the chain broke and the key fell into the backpack of little Lilly Carson. Lilly, being a very courageous and curious child found the key and tried it on every door in town. With no luck, Lilly went to library to check out a book on keys to see if there were any clues on this mysterious key. When she was there, she saw a gigantic black door with a shiny gold knob. She slowly took the key out of her backpack and tried the lock. Click, clank, turn and the door slid open with ease. "Wow," Lilly said a she entered the dusty old store room. Shelves of books lined the walls. Papers were scattered all over the floor coated with a thick layer of dust. Lilly noticed a special shelf. One made entirely out of glass. Inside contained a book. A big, Orange, torn book. Lilly walked over to the shelf and pulled on the handle. It opened, and Lilly took the book out carefully, making sure not to set off any alarms. She then ran out of the old store room and almost out of the door.

Suddenly she was yanked by the arm and dragged to the front desk. "What do you think your doing?" yelled Mr. Linden. "Nothing," Lilly said in a quiet voice. "What do you have behind your back?" Mr. Linden asked. "A book" Lilly retorted sarcastically "what else would I have in a Library?" "Well then, let me see it," replied Mr.Linden. "Never!" Lilly shouted as she burst out of the library door. Noticing that it was the torn, orange book he shouted "NO, don't read it, you don't know what dark secret it holds!"

She was running too fast though. She never heard the warning that could of saved her time, and maybe, her life! Lilly dashed in between cars and flew through groups of people talking on the street. She ran, and ran until she got home. Up the stairs and into her room she fled, the door slamming behind her. She jumped into bed, and cracked open the book.

Time passed, and it was about twelve O'clock when she started to notice a little thing crawling out of the spine of the book. What was it? A bug, a leaf? No, it was none of those, but it was a vine. A long, leafy, spiral, vine. Lilly tried to throw the book but it was now attached to her arm. She tried to pry it off, but it was stuck like glue. Then, Lilly was in Vitania. Not her body, but her soul.

"What is this place?" Lilly asked. "Vitania," a startling, eerie voice said! Lilly was puzzled and didn't know anything about her environment. So she got up and started to explore. Headed in a North-east direction, Lilly started to notice dead, and decaying plant structures. Soon she would reach the volcanic region.

Light spurred out in front of her and Lilly dropped to the ground. Spouts of steam and burning lava shot out all around her. Lilly soon realized what danger she was in. She got up and ran for her life. Dashing through the lava and ash. Just when she was about out, a glob of lava dropped on her lower calf. It burned through her pants and fell to her soft, peach colored, exposed skin. Falling to the ground, Lilly crawled through the rest of this natural obstacle course. Once she was out, she sat up to examine her new wound. It was extremely painful, but she could still go on.

Getting up, she walked in the direction of Pelincia's castle. When the castle was in sight, Lilly went into the tower of doom. There she saw the all great and powerful Emperor, Pelincia. Excited to see another human being, Lilly ran up to her and blurted out as many questions as her mouth would allow to come out every second. "Back," Pelincia bellowed as she pointed her wand to strike Lilly. Lilly backed away from Pelincia.

Lilly was lost, what had she done upset this strange women? Guessing that she might need a quick escape, Lilly scoured the room for any exits. None to be seen. In the corner of the room though she saw a power box. Dagger eyes stared at Lilly as she began to slide across the slick, tile floor to the shiny, silver power box.

Almost there, she could almost touch it. Click, the lights went out. Flashing her Strawberry Shortcake flashlight towards the portal. Lilly grabbed Pelincia and dragged her to the portal that Mr. Lenden used to escape, jumped in it with the emperor and it the real world. Suddenly back in her bed, Lilly scanned the room for Pelincia. Gone, just gone. There was the book, lying on the cold, wooden floor. Lilly got up, and dressed into some of her everyday clothes and headed to the library to return the deadly book of Harna. If only she would have heard the warning, she might not have read the book that lead her into the great world of Vitania.